Conclusion: The Science of Smell

What Does This All Mean?

Therefore, whether or not humans want to admit this commonality with animals and insects, every species is impacted by pheromones. Pheromones affect all the processes vital to the continuation of life on this planet: from helping each species to select its mate, to ensuring females ovulate at the opportune time for procreation, to beginning the birthing process and making certain mothers need to nurse their young as much as the young need to be nursed. If it weren’t for pheromones, human beings may or may not choose a compatible mate and other species may not mate at all. Also, if it were not for pheromones, some species may not feel the need to mate during ovulation, making reproduction more of a game of chance. And, if pheromones didn’t play a part of mother-infant relationships, females of any species other than human beings may not nurse or care for their offspring since there would be no chemical signaler telling them they need to do these things. Pheromones are a modulator of life from birth to death and any change in their interaction with all species would heavily influence mating and reproduction.


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1 – Introduction to Pheromones

2 – Opposite-Sex Attraction

3 – Same-Sex Attraction

4 – Mother-Infant Bonding

5 – Menstrual Cycle Modulator

6 – Conclusion & References

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