James Walter Thompson, a Marine Corps veteran from Massachusetts born in 1847, began as an effective salesman for an ad agency by the name Carlton & Smith. In 1878, Thompson bought the company for $500 and renamed it J. Walter Thompson. His focus began as he offered full service to clients, from the creation of…
Proversity: Progressive Diversity Mangement
Proversity is a business novel that documents the many biases that are still present in today’s workforce. The book takes us through the experiences of Percy McGee, Vice President of Domestic Marketing for National Flashlight Company. As the story begins, Percy is reflecting on “the way things used to be” and the corporate culture and…
Nestlé Australia and U.K
A. Introduction to Nestlé Henri Nestlé founded Nestlé in 1866. The company is based in Switzerland. Henri Nestlé founded the company to produce baby formula for mothers who could not breast feed their children. Nestlé later ventured into chocolate, condensed and powdered milk products, and eventually coffee and tea products. By the onset of World…
E-commerce: Not a new economic model
The advent of the Internet has spawned E-commerce, along with hundreds of new millionaires, new life styles and the promise for changes in all aspects of our lives. E-commerce is the business manifestation of the Internet. This was to be the new business model, the Next New Thing. Everyone wanted to be involved in this…
Why Enron Went Bust
How will the Enron saga resolve? This question is probably more interesting to more American’s today than the latest Survivor series. With the amount of attention and coverage that Enron has been given, it is hard not to take interest in the drama. Enron is another example of how a big business can go unwatched…
Confidentiality in Mediation
Confidentiality is an important element in ADR and dispute resolution. Many organizations consider arbitration over court cases simply to avoid the publicity.
Evaluation of the Strategic Role of HR
The strategic role of Human Resources planning involves developing HR strategies to support the business’s strategic intent.
Designing the Modern Organization
“People are our most valuable resource.” This is a cliché that is touted by many organizations today.
Retaining Employee Trust
Mistrust is probably the biggest obstacle to successful change efforts in corporations today.
US Airways International Expansion
US Airways is the nation’s sixth largest airline and serves 204 locations in the United States, Europe, Canada, the Caribbean, and Mexico. Originally known as All American Aviation, US Airways began in western Pennsylvania in 1939 and rapidly increased through mergers and acquisitions.