Abstract The main purpose of this study was to observe if participants would judge various offenses in court differently. The experimenters wanted to see if different backgrounds of an individual effected the court decision that they received. The sample size for this experiment was taken from a psychology class at Lebanon Valley College. The class…
Competing Visions and Invisible Treaties: The Formative Era of Federal Indian Policymaking
A comprehensive federal Indian policy failed to develop in the United States between 1776 and 1834 due to the unique and varied relationships that existed between Indian peoples, the British Crown and pre-Revolutionary War governments. This intricate question as to how the native inhabitants would be absorbed by the developing Republic stumped even the founding…
Can destruction of property be considered nonviolent?
In order to explore the question of whether violence against property is indeed a violent act, one must first define a few terms. To answer any question thoroughly, there must be no ambiguity in the question itself, and no room left for debate as to what the answer may be (in the eye of the…